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May 12, 2023

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How Do Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Compare?

People have long been finding ways to reduce the amount of meat they consume. However, until recently, many of the plant-based meat alternatives available have struggled to gain popularity. Many lacked the taste, texture, look, and feel of traditional meat, and they were often left to vegetarians or vegans who avoided meat and animal products altogether.

That’s changed in the past decade as new plant-based meat alternatives have come to market. Today, nearly two-thirds of Americans have eaten a plant-based meat product in the past year, and 20 percent consume a plant-based meat product at least weekly. As the quality of these products improves, they are becoming more widely available, affordable, and socially acceptable to eat.

Despite this recent surge, traditional meat is still far more popular. In 2020, the global meat sector was valued at $838 billion. In comparison, the global meat substitutes market was valued at only $6.67 billion. This is expected to grow to $16.7 billion by 2026 – rapid growth, but still a drop in the bucket of the estimated $1.15 trillion meat market by 2025.

China, the U.S., and Brazil are the world’s largest meat producers with a combined total of more than 164 million tons produced each year. European countries such as Germany, Poland, and the Netherlands lead the way in terms of plant-based innovation, with European consumers generally more receptive to alternatives than Americans. 

As more consumers turn to plant-based meats for at least a portion of their meals, how do these products compare to meat, and what are the advantages and disadvantages when it comes to health, environmental impact, and consumer preferences?

Advantages of Plant-Based Meat Alternatives

Far Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions Than Meat

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization reports that meat and dairy products account for around 14.5 percent of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. A recent study in Nature also found that animal agriculture accounts for 57 percent of global food production emissions. Much of this is in the form of methane, which generates as much as 28 - 34 times more warming than an equivalent level of carbon dioxide (CO2). In the US, domestic animals, mostly cows, are among the largest emitters of methane, accounting for more than 27 percent of total methane emissions and placing second only to natural gas and petroleum production. 

The plants that go into meat alternatives, mostly soy, peas, wheat gluten, mushrooms, or some other mix of these proteins, emit far fewer GHGs and have significantly less impact on their surrounding environment. As a result, plant-based meat emits between 30 and 90 percent less GHG than conventional meat. 

Less Land, Water, and Resource Intensive

Animal production requires a massive amount of land, water, and resources. Today, around 50 percent of habitable land is used for agriculture. Within this 50 percent, animal agriculture requires around 77 percent of all agricultural land. This is despite the fact that only 17 percent of our total food supply is made up of meat. 

Meat production not only requires land for the animals themselves, but it also requires large amounts of land dedicated to growing animal feed. While land is needed to grow crops and the plants that go into plant-based meats, 75 percent of the global soy crop is used to feed livestock. Allocating more of this to human consumption by reducing the amount of meat in our diets can reduce the amount of land needed for farming. 

Likewise, animal agriculture is incredibly water-intensive, and this will have significant implications as weather patterns shift and water becomes more scarce due to a changing climate. Plant-based meat uses between 72 and 99 percent less water than traditional meat. One study found that the total water footprint, the amount of water used across the entire production process, of a 150 g soy burger is 158 liters, far lower than the 2350 liters needed for a 150 g beef burger. 

Plant-Based Meat Can Be A Healthier Choice

Plant-based meat may lead to fewer health risks than traditional meat. For example, a 2020 study found that plant-based meat is richer in fiber and that consuming plant-based alternatives reduced cholesterol and saturated fats. 

Products like the Impossible Whopper, the plant-based version of Burger King’s famous Whopper, have significantly fewer calories, fats, and cholesterol. Meat alternatives can also be grown without antibiotics.

The potential health benefits are among the top reasons consumers are switching from meat. In a recent survey, 39 percent of respondents ranked healthfulness in the top three reasons they ate plant-based products.

Disadvantages of Plant-Based Meat Alternatives

Consumer Tastes and Culture

Despite the recent improvement in plant-based alternatives and the continued innovation, many consumers still prefer the look, feel, and taste of meat and are hesitant to shift away from what they already know. One study compared responses to a blind taste test of 100 percent beef patties, a blended patty containing a mix of 70 percent beef and 30 percent plant protein, and a plant-based patty. Consumers consistently preferred the beef patty and were willing to pay more compared to the other choices. 

Cultural differences will also play a role in consumers’ willingness to move away from meat. As mentioned, consumers in European countries are embracing meat alternatives faster than those in the US where eating meat is widely seen as part of the culture. One study found that consumers do not feel alternatives are appropriate for every meal, limiting their potential to be fully substituted in the near term. 

High Salt Content of Processed Foods

While there are many health benefits associated with plant-based meat alternatives, there are a few drawbacks as well. One notable example is that, in order to improve the taste of the product and mimic the taste of meat, manufacturers tend to add high levels of salt to their products. 

A recent study in the UK comparing more than 400 plant-based and meat products found that 75 percent of the plant-based products did not meet the government’s salt reduction targets. Only two of the plant-based items were considered low in salt, compared to 45 of the meat products. However, as some nutritionists point out, these differences are often mitigated when consumers add seasonings and other sauces to meat when cooking. 

There are also some concerns that plant-based products are highly processed, reducing the nutritional value of the soy or pea proteins that are used. As widespread consumption is a relatively new phenomenon, there is a lack of long-term studies analyzing the health implications of switching to these products. 

Not All Meat is Equally Bad

Animal agriculture, as a whole, has a disproportionately negative environmental impact compared to plant-based agriculture. However, that doesn’t mean that all meat is equally bad, and as such, the environmental benefits of switching depend on the meat that is being substituted.

Beef production has by far the largest carbon, water, and land footprint of any meat or meat protein. Beef production emits nearly 60 kg of C02 equivalent per kg of beef, compared to around 8 kgC02eq/kg of pork or chicken. Cows take a long time to grow and reproduce, and the land required for beef production and animal feed is one of the leading causes of deforestation, furthering the impact on emissions. 

Similarly, a single kg of beef requires 15415 liters of water, while a single kg of chicken requires 4325 liters. Amazingly, 98 percent of this water consumption is used to grow animal feed, not for the animals themselves. Vegetables, on the other hand, require 322 liters per kg.

Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Will Continue to Substitute Traditional Meat

Plant-based meat is becoming more popular, and more consumers are substituting plant-based products as part of an overall effort to eat healthier and reduce their impact on the environment. Plant-based meat requires less land, water, and other resources, results in fewer greenhouse gas emissions, and has numerous health benefits. 

That said, it’s probably too soon to write off meat completely. Many people still prefer the taste of meat, and a culture closely tied to meat consumption will take a long time to completely change. The global meat market will continue to grow as well, especially as a growing middle class in emerging economies such as China adds more meat to their diets.

The increased availability of plant-based meats gives consumers more choice when deciding what to eat, and occasionally substituting plant-based meat at some meals can have a significant impact without fully replacing meat.

December 23, 2023
Context A CBC News article discussed the possibility of the Canadian economy heading into a recession, or whether the country has already passed that threshold. The article discussed this possibility based on slowed growth, high inflation, and the Bank of Canada’s continued interest rate hikes. Analysis A recession is a significant reduction in economic activity that occurs over a length of time, usually months or years. One of the most accepted definitions of a recession comes from the economist Julius Shiskin in 1974, who identified the threshold to an economic recession as two consecutive quarters of declining GDP, although economists often argue about the comprehensiveness of this measure. The causes of a recession can be quite complicated and have many contributing factors. Some common examples include a sudden economic shock such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic, excessive debt, asset bubbles, inflation, deflation, or large technological changes. One major factor influencing the probability of an economic recession includes rising interest rates from the Bank of Canada, which has implemented the highest hike in the shortest amount of time in all of the bank’s history, raising the rate over eight times since 2022. The Bank of Canada increased interest rates in order to curb inflation since rising interest rates discourage taking on debt and spending. This further encourages companies to lower prices or slow inflation to increase demand. Currently, the Bank of Canada is keeping at the 5.0 percent rate but has said that further hikes are not off the table as inflation may continue to exceed acceptable rates. Increases in interest rates can certainly contribute to or precede a recession. In fact, the Bank of Canada has raised interest rates three times to slow inflation since the 1960s and all three times this action led to an economic recession. Current fears of a looming economic depression are also not unique to Canada, as following the COVID-19 pandemic, the global inflation rate increased to 8.73 percent in 2021. This was due to supply chain issues, as well as the effect of the Russia-Ukraine War creating rising food and energy prices, as well as general fiscal instability. A majority of the World Economic Forum’s lead economists agreed earlier this year that we could see the beginning of a global recession starting in 2023, which would certainly affect the Canadian economy. The article also discusses the Canadian economy’s slowed economic growth, as the GDP has stagnated in the second quarter of this year. However, it suggests other factors may explain the decrease, including striking port workers in British Columbia, and the resulting negative effect on economic activity. An RBC report mentions how on a per-person GDP basis, there has already been a decline for four straight quarters despite a surge in population growth, and concludes overall predictions for GDP growth do not look promising despite local factors including Canadian wildfires and strikes. They also point to a 0.5 percent increase in the unemployment rate over the past few months, which has historically tended to indicate a looming recession.
December 21, 2023
Context The City of Ottawa Mayor, Mark Sutcliff released a statement about a revised plan for the redevelopment of Lansdowne, an urban public park containing historic landmarks and commercial venues. The project includes the demolition of a sports arena complex, stadium stands, and the building of a new event center, residential units, and retail space. Despite suggesting the new plan has addressed the concerns of residents, many issues remain. Analysis The City of Ottawa and the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG) have been in partnership to develop Lansdowne since 2012 and finished an original redevelopment of the park back in 2014. A few years later in 2019, the financial sustainability of the park came to the city council’s attention, and in 2020 the partnership was extended another 10 years with direction to develop a new plan to revitalize Lansdowne. Consultation with community members started in 2020, with the original concept released last year in 2022, and a revised version released this month. Community feedback was acquired through various platforms including public information sessions, an open email for feedback, and public surveys. A summary report of that feedback was published on October 6th, which highlighted the six most common themes of community residents’ concerns. The first concern was related to the size and number of the multiple high-rise apartments which were designed to exceed 30 floors. In the new plan , they have removed one of the three planned buildings, with fewer total units in each, and only one tower with the potential to be built at 40 stories. Residents were also concerned about the loss of greenspace due to the new event center construction. Many people suggested they wanted that greenspace allocated elsewhere, or alternatively, an accessible greenspace roof on the event center. Although in the original plan the city had conceptualized a greenspace rooftop on the event center, this was scrapped in the new plan as it was deemed too expensive to maintain. Respondents wanted a restriction of vehicles to the premises to promote pedestrian safety, a concern that has existed since Lansdowne was first renovated back in 2014. They also wanted more public transportation infrastructure to and from the park, whether that is the local city buses, trains, or cycling infrastructure to reduce congestion on connecting roads. Relatedly, residents also desired more accessible public use space from washrooms to water fountains to usable and free space for people to occupy. The new plan has reduced the number of parking spaces for the residential buildings to meet the Bylaw limit of 0.4 spaces per unit, down from 739 to 336 spaces, while they added 36 new spaces for the event center. In terms of accessible public space, the new plan includes 27,000 square feet of space originally earmarked for the third residential building, now available for an unspecified “public realm.” Residents also wanted more local and less corporate or big-box businesses, to reflect the unique local community better. The new plan does suggest the amount of retail space has been reduced from 108,000 square feet to 49,000 square feet but does not directly address the desire to attract smaller, local businesses. Finally, there was also a concern about financial transparency of how the project is being funded and the resulting impact on the City. The Federation of Citizens Association (FCA) which represents over 70 community groups voted unanimously to oppose the new plan, which comes with a very costly price tag of $419 million, increased from $332 million of the first plan. They cite that the debt comes at a time when the transit system is facing major issues, and the city is struggling with a housing affordability crisis.
December 20, 2023
Context Newly elected Premier of Alberta Danielle Smith has defended her cabinet which is coming under fire over conflict-of-interest concerns. Environment and Protected Areas Minister Rebecca Schulz’s husband, Cole Schulz , may be lobbying the government in the areas that the Minister works in. Cole Schulz's firm is working on removing the protection of a threatened caribou range to make room for the oil and gas industry – which has raised concerns over who has Minister Schulz’s ear. Analysis The company that Cole Schulz is a partner with, Garrison Strategies, was hired by the Explorers and Producers Association of Canada and is working to influence the government on the issuing of reclamation certificates for oil and gas sites. The lobbyists are working to gain more access to protected caribou habitats to expand the oil and gas industry. They are hoping to “ address the moratorium on tenure in caribou regions ” which would effectively give them better access to land and investments. The Little Smoky and A La Peche herds in northwest Alberta were protected by a moratorium in 2013 which stopped the granting of new energy leases in this area. At the time, 95 percent of the herd’s range was heavily damaged. Phillip Meintzer of the Alberta Wilderness Association found that though records show that Garrison didn’t contact Environment and Protected Areas directly, the firm’s causes are “ too close for comfort ”. Meintzer also notes that as Garrison works on opening the protected caribou land for Alberta Energy, Environment and Protected Areas should be working on a protection plan for the federally and provincially designated threatened animal . Minister Schulz is working closely with the ethics commissioner, however, Danielle Smith confirmed that “ the ethics commissioner has looked at it, given guidance and there’s no violation [of the Conflicts of Interest Act]”. Cole Schulz also indicated that his firm wasn’t aware that Minister Schulz breached the Act at any time. Meintzer suggests that this situation “ calls for a further look ” from a third party. Sources
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